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For thousands of years Indigenous people have lived on this land, in their own country. WHBC is situated on the treaty territories of multiple nations.
We acknowledge the Wendat, Anishinabec Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississaugas of Scugog, the Hiawatha, Alderville First Nation and Metis Nation, past and present, and their stewardship of this land throughout the ages.
Woodbine Heights Drama Club started the new winter/spring session on Wednesday February 5th. We meet Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:15.
Join us. Casting for the spring show will be set on February 26.
ArtsFest Weekend May 2,3,4.
Looking for cast, crew, tech, prop/set members. 9 years old and up.
Join your neighbours at play.
Welcome to Woodbine Heights (WHBC) on the world wide web. We are a community of open inquiry and gentle, generous belonging. We gather on Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock for worship, on Zoom and in person. See below for attendance invitation.
Our congregation takes seriously the call of God through Jesus to be present with and for our community. Our facility is an active place, whether it be WHBC events or community group activities. Sparks, Embers, Beaver and Venture Scouts use the building, with the 115th Toronto Scouts using space as their logistical base. We have an ongoing partnership with L'Arche Toronto. Our inter-generational Arts emphasis sparks creative expression in the neighbourhood as well. Music, Theatre and Dance artists and companies use our flexible space to develop, rehearse and perform new works.
We struggle with the questions life raises: there are no easy answers. We take the scriptures seriously without reading them literally. We value God's creation and our human lives and relationships as ways of experiencing God's ongoing presence and activity in the world. Among our gathering are people from a variety of religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. We are a people of inclusion and embrace, welcoming all persons who wish to be part of a community seeking and practicing faith in life.
Please contact us at for link and password if you would like to attend by ZOOM, or come to the sanctuary at 1171 Woodbine Ave to attend in person.
Leaning into the Grace of God
Our place in this world, and Christ's church, depends on the grace of God through Jesus Christ. We worship and study and pray and serve, enabled and animated by God's Spirit. With humility, hope, and joy, we respond in faith by cooperating with the Spirit, loving God, and loving our neighbour.
Creating Space for Everyone
We are privileged to be in partnership with L'Arche Toronto, located here in East York. Spread across four houses in our community, L'Arche Toronto creates space for everyone to belong.
St. Peter and the Jerusalem Protocol
This document was crucial in our understanding of God's grace in our shared life as human beings and as a congregation. The Scriptures tell the story of transformation in Peter's life, and invite us to that same transformation.
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Woodbine has been providing hospitable and affordable studio space to dance, theatre and music theatre artists and companies. These individuals and groups are developing new ideas and rehearsing existing works for performance in the city and across the country.
'21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act'. Join this book group conversation, 5 Monday afternoons/evenings starting February 24.
Email for more info.
Thanks to all who partcipated in and attend 'Wenceslas' December 6,7,8, 2024. WATCH IT HERE etive
kkWorship Sunday by Sunday by Sunday at 11am in person or Email for Zoom link.
Woodbine Heights Drama Club's production of "FIDGET" presented May 3, 4, 5, 2024.
Here's a video of 'A Seussified Christmas Carol' from December 8, 9, 10, 2023.
Judy Graham's most recent Sculpture exhibition September 19,20,21 was called "Museum of reverie: Celebrating enthrallling insignificant things. VIDEO HERE
Her LOST and FOUND Scuplture Exhibition was held September 15-17, 2022. TAKE VIDEO TOUR HERE:
Fundraising Dinner and Annual Auction / October
bob paterson-watt has been the pastor at WHBC since September 2000. He is married to MJ, dad to Madeleine, Zoe and Genevieve, and Oompah to Charlotte. Theological and literary influence (in no particular order) comes from Fred Rogers, Mary Oliver, James Baldwin, Michael Crummey, Tanya Talaga, Richard Rohr, Shirley Erena Murray, Richard Wagamese, Karen Armstrong, Octavia Butler, Marcus Borg, Joan Chittister, Wendell Berry, Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan and many other poets, authors and songwriters.
Thank you for contacting Woodbine Baptist Church.
We will get back to you as soon as possible